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TaylorWorks, Inc. Blog

TaylorWorks, Inc. has been serving the Longwood area since 1999, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Updating the Whole Net Neutrality Situation

Net Neutrality in the United States has been a hot-button issue for almost anyone that uses the Internet. 2018 saw the 2005 principles governing the preservation of an open Internet repealed completely, leaving control over the Internet in the hands of huge companies that deliver Internet services to people. Today, we’ll go back over Net Neutrality and provide an update of what has happened since the Federal Communications Commission repeal of net neutrality laws.

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3 Ways Digital Signage Pays Off

With so many new devices and strategies to use in the workplace, it should come as no surprise that even your office’s signage can receive a major facelift from IT. Digital signage in itself offers the chance for a business to use displays in innovative ways. Here are a few reasons why you should consider it for your office.

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Tip of the Week: Is a Laptop the Best Fit for Your Employees?

In today’s working world, not using technology to work on your tasks can be seen as an oddity. Taking this into account, choosing the device that best suits your office’s work style is an important consideration to make. For this week’s tip, we’ll dive into some of the reasons that you may want to standardize laptops in your office.

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Tip of the Week: Use Mobile to Improve Your Work Relationships

With more workers opting for mobile solutions than ever before, communications can be tricky to manage for a business. However, is your business’ infrastructure capable of adapting to these new developments in communication technology? You can bet that regardless of where the business takes you, certain applications and devices will always be useful throughout the workday.

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The Pros and Cons of Automating Business Processes

Most industries utilize automation to at least some degree. With plenty of benefits that can be taken advantage of, businesses need to remember that they still must be careful about implementing these systems, as failing to do so could cause downtime and negatively impact productivity. Here are some of the major benefits and detriments that your organizations should consider when examining automation.

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What is a Router Botnet? Find Out Today!

Ordinarily, one of the best ways to protect your organization’s infrastructure is to make sure any and all patches administered to the software you use are applied as soon as possible after they’ve been released. However, patches don’t help against threats that aren’t discovered at the moment they are released. The recent spread of BCMUPnP_Hunter botnet shows that it’s not enough for people to keep patching their systems.

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Know Your Tech: PDF

For computer enthusiasts one of the major questions has always been Mac vs. PC. Most people prefer one over the other, while some are fine using either. The problem with having two popular non-compatible computer systems is that they each use proprietary file types. For documents, the answer was developed by Adobe: the PDF. Today, we’ll take a look at Portable Document Format.

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Powerful Smartphones That are Currently On the Market

With the new innovations made to smartphones every year, you’d be hard-pressed to understand how the global smartphone has hit the skid. While Apple and Samsung sit pretty with large market shares, manufacturers that we’ve come to expect near the top of the smartphone market: Blackberry, HTC, and Nokia are but bit players. Their largest competition is now coming from Chinese companies Xiaomi, Huawei, and OnePlus.

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Tip of the Week: 4 Really Simple Tips for the Computer Novice

If you work with a computer, you know that if you can find shortcuts, you use them. Not only do they help you be more productive by making your tasks easier to complete, they can actually help you be MORE effective at completing those tasks. Today, we have four simple tips that can help you build better computer skills.

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What Do You Know About the Microchips That Power Your Technology?

Computers are made up of many complex pieces of technology, and any business that uses them must have at least a working knowledge of them (or know someone who does, like a managed IT provider). Among these pieces of technology are “chips,” or microchips, that are responsible for making sure the technology, whatever it may be, works as intended. We’ll discuss some of the different kinds of chips the everyday user or business owner may be involved with when thinking about their computer.

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How to Get the Best Wireless Connections in Your Office

There are plenty of small irritations to be found in the office, from a pot of coffee that someone neglected to refill to the sound of a squeaky chair under the office fidgetier. However, none are quite as infuriating (or as detrimental to productivity) as an inconsistent Wi-Fi signal. What makes the Wi-Fi so spotty, and how do you resolve that?

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Tip of the Week: Technology Has Your Business Covered

Technology is an easy thing to take for granted, especially in an office that has countless solutions that are utilized on a regular basis. It doesn’t matter if you’re a small retail establishment, a large organization with multiple offices, or a factory to produce consumer items. Today, we’ll look at the various ways your business is changed for the better thanks to the use of technology.

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The New Version of Chrome has Interesting Changes

Chrome 70 has proven to be quite a divisive browser. While a lot of users are excited for the new changes to security, some are also worried about whether Chrome can maintain this security and its user-friendly interface. Here are some of the changes being made to Chrome 70 so you can choose whether this browser update is for you.

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VoIP Can Bring A Lot of Value

Business technology can often augment communications and make collaboration easier, but administrators sometimes believe that these added perks come with a considerably higher price tag. When a solution comes around that can save money, like VoIP, business owners should consider it with serious intent to invest, as it can usher in an age of improved operations and efficiency for your employees, as well as a higher bottom line overall.

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Why (and How) You Need to Maintain Your Servers

It is impossible to understate the importance of a server to today’s businesses. We talk a big game as to how important data is, but we don’t often broach the topic of how important it is to ensure that your server is well-maintained. Below, we discuss how to determine what your servers need for optimal performance, and how you can be sure that they get it.

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Know Your Tech: Accessory

We make a big deal about how important it is to take care of your computers. Whether that be routinely cleaning your PC, weeding through the unnecessary information stored on them, or utilizing a mobile device’s built-in security features to keep mobile malware from making the management of your company--wide mobile solution more difficult. Much of the time, however, your organization’s IT works as designed, creating no issues whatsoever. In those moments you begin to pay more attention to your accessories.

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Know Your Tech: Breadcrumbs

A trail of breadcrumbs can be a useful thing, whether you’re using it like Hansel and Gretel to find their way back home, or you’re using it in computing to find your way back to a page you were previously on. Today’s tech term is dedicated to the latter.

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Can You Afford to Ditch Your Telephone System for VoIP?

Voice over Internet Protocol, or VoIP for short, might at first glance seem complex, but it’s really quite simple when explained properly. Unfortunately, misconceptions surrounding VoIP can become a barrier of entry for businesses considering a VoIP solution. We’re going to disprove some of these misconceptions and prove VoIP can be a valuable investment for just about any business in need of a communications solution.

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Getting a Better Sense of Customer Relationship Management

I’m sure I don’t need to tell you how important it is to have a handle on your clients’ needs. After all, how else are you supposed to offer them the level of service that they need to remain satisfied enough to stay subscribed to what you offer? This endeavor is exactly why a customer relationship management (or CRM) system is so crucial.

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How Much Have Smartphone Cameras Made a Difference?

When it comes to selecting a smartphone, most consumers look to the camera as a major deciding point - after all, many popular applications geared toward the everyday user heavily lean on the use of a camera. This utility and, in some ways, reliance have only encouraged rapid advancement to phone-based camera technology since its origins in the Samsung SCH-V200.

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