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TaylorWorks, Inc. Blog

TaylorWorks, Inc. has been serving the Longwood area since 1999, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Getting a New Computer? We Can Help, Part I

Are you in the market for a new desktop computer for your business (or your home office)? We’ve put together a five-part guide to help make sense of the components that go into a desktop computer to give you a better idea about what you may need in a new desktop. We start our guide by breaking down CPUs, and what is right for your needs. 

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Five Reasons Video Conferencing is a Great Business Tool

Many businesses have turned to video conferencing as a promising communications solution for their workforces to leverage, and for good reason. There are assorted collaborative benefits that a company can enjoy by embracing video conferencing capabilities. Here, we’ll review five of them.

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Tip of the Week: How to Use Instant Messaging Professionally

Communication is paramount in any business environment, which makes it crucial that your business is equipped with the tools that allow this communication to take place. In light of this, many businesses have embraced instant messaging applications in the workplace. For this week’s tip, we’ll go over how to most productively and professionally utilize instant messaging.

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Smartphones Role In the Modern Workplace

Smartphones are everywhere. You go to the supermarket, people are on their phones, you go to the gym, people are on their phones. Go into the office? You guessed it...you see a lot of smartphone use that may not be in the best interest to organizational profitability. The question becomes, do smartphones help or hurt business? Let’s get into it.

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GDPR: One Year In

Data privacy is a serious issue in the world today, and the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR, is perhaps the greatest example of how these issues are being addressed. Let’s take a look at how GDPR has shaped the computing world over the past year, as well as how events have exposed certain considerations regarding individual data privacy.

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Tip of the Week: Selecting the Right Data Warehouse for Your Needs

Data is everywhere. Nowadays, effectively everything we do produces data of some kind - especially where your business is concerned. If leveraged properly, your business can make good use of the data it collects throughout its operations. For this week’s tip, we’ll talk about how you can do so with a data warehouse, and discuss how to select the right one.

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What Does Your Business' IT Infrastructure Look Like?

Small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) simply don’t have the large budgets that come with running an enterprise, and because of this, many of them have trouble affording IT maintenance and management. In a similar sense, these smaller organizations struggle with planning out an IT infrastructure. Does your business have a plan in place?

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Small and Medium-Sized Businesses are Using Enterprise Technology

Compared to an enterprise corporation, a small-to-medium-sized business is going to have far fewer resources, especially in terms of its IT. Having said this, an SMB isn’t necessarily without a few quality options. Let’s review the needs that any business needs to have filled, and how they can do so with the right solutions.

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Know Your Cables

One thing that all offices gradually accumulate over time is a surplus of cables. Each device you have is compatible with a specific cable, but identifying them all can be challenging. In today’s blog article, we’ll outline some of the common cable types and what you might need them for.

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What Does Internet Rights Advocacy Mean?

The Internet is a vast and amazing place. Some have even argued that it is one of people’s best-ever inventions. Some would push it further by actively attempting to outline what rights an Internet user has. Advocacy groups have been popping up, and while it has had a marked effect on public policy in more progressive nations, some nations look on these groups with disdain. Today we will take you through human rights advocacy on the Internet, and what to expect going forward.

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What You Need to Consider About BYOD

One of the biggest buzzwords in business these days is BYOD - Bring Your Own Device - and for good reason. There are plenty of operational benefits that an organization can enjoy by adopting a BYOD policy; but, BYOD isn’t an inherently perfect solution, which means that businesses that leverage it need to do so mindfully.

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Virtual Reality has a Limitless Future

Virtual reality, or VR, is a technology that not many people understand how to make the most of. Most people's experiences with VR is something that is achieved through a third-party application, be it a smartphone or a full-fledged headset. Most of those who experience VR do so without a first-person perspective, with only 16 percent of about 3,000 people polled by Statistica ever actually trying out a “real” VR headset. We’ll give you an idea of what modern VR technology looks like, as well as what the future holds for this technology.

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4 Emerging Technologies Being Used for Business

Technology plays an important part in managing any modern business, especially with the elevated importance of information in a data-driven world. Today’s blog is dedicated to four emerging technologies that are changing the way that organizations approach operations.

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Smartphone Manufacturers Building Foldable Screen Devices

Foldable screens are coming… at least, they are relatively soon. Manufacturers are now producing OLED displays that are relatively flexible, and many of them have committed to producing foldable screen devices for 2019.

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Higher Education Using Technology to Manage Operations

Have you ever wondered how colleges and universities function at a technological level? With so many students, you might start to think about how these institutions secure data, ensure timely completion of degrees, and closely monitor student retention efforts, all in addition to the normal IT operations that you would see at any business.

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ISPs Have Finally Started Rolling Out 5G

If there is one thing that we all know about 5G it is that it’s coming? It’s been coming for years. For a decade, the next biggest thing has been 5G. We’ve routinely heard statements like “When we get 5G…” Many of which came from people that had no idea what the “G” in 5G even means (It literally stands for “generation”). Today, we’ll separate the facts from the fiction to get you up to speed on 5G.

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Tip of the Week: 9.0 Pie Brings with It New Features

Over two billion devices in the world run the Android mobile operating system. Most of them that have been purchased in the past year, as well as the ones that have been updated recently, run on the current operating system, Android 9.0 Pie. With this latest mobile operating system, Google has made it clear that they want to be seen as the smartphone software provider. Today, we’ll take you through how you can get the most out of your Android Pie experience.

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Here Is Some IT That Works for Professional Services

All businesses need consultation from time to time. After all, nobody can be an expert in everything. These professional services, including those provided by lawyers, financial consultants, accountants, advertisers, and marketing specialists are all important to the success of any organization, but just like any other business, these companies have IT needs.

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Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Will Soon Reach EOL

It is little wonder that, with millions of businesses relying on their secure servers for a variety of computing needs, that Microsoft reigns supreme in profitability. In order to maintain this status, Microsoft must make sure that their software is properly cared for and supported - or retired if these titles are no longer practical to maintain. SQL Server 2008 and SQL Server 2008 R2 are soon due for the chopping block, with an official retirement date of July 9, 2019.

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3 Noteworthy Technologies That Were Never Popular

Sometimes technology just doesn’t take off. The industry might think that it’s a game changer, but the device or product itself may not live up to the hype surrounding it, forever leaving the product to compete with the impossible standards set by the hype. Today, we’re going to look at some of these particular concepts, as well as why we think they simply didn’t fit in with today’s innovation-filled environment.

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