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TaylorWorks, Inc. Blog

TaylorWorks, Inc. has been serving the Longwood area since 1999, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Office Gadgets to Add to Your Holiday Shopping List

It’s the holiday season, which means many offices are holding gift swaps between employees. In the spirit of the holidays, we thought it would be helpful to share some gift ideas for the people you work with.

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Is VoIP Really More Cost Effective?

Every business can use some cost reductions. Most businesses have seen their margins shrink and would love to save some money, especially when it seems like as soon as it’s made it’s heading right back out the door. One way businesses can shave off their operational expenses is by shifting their business’ telephone system to a VoIP system. 

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Know Your Tech: Fiber Optics

The Internet is more than a piece of technology, it fuels huge swaths of the modern world. The economic benefits of the Internet are hard to estimate, but Cisco has tried, giving it a $19 trillion valuation, or about 21 percent of the total amount of money that is currently available in the world. So, if you have a resource that is valued at almost a quarter of humanity’s total monetary worth, you try to maximize the use of it.

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Like IT or Not, You Need to Keep Up

You have to establish your organization as a contender. To do so, you’re going to need to use at least the caliber of tools that your competition is using. According to the 2020 State of IT report that Spiceworks has released, the majority of businesses with fewer than 100 employees have plans to adopt new technology solutions.

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Why Your Technology Needs Upkeep, Updates, and Upgrades

There is no question that today’s business operations require technology, but even that doesn’t tell the whole story. Not only do businesses need technology, they need to maintain this technology as well. Below, we’ll review the three basic steps to technology maintenance… and how we can help simplify these steps for you.

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Taking a Long Look at Microsoft 365

Microsoft has always offered a variety of business solutions, some which conform to your needs and others that do not. The beauty of this, is you can pick what solution will benefit your business, and leave the ones that will not behind. Here, we will discuss Microsoft 365 and what is offered within the Microsoft 365 package.   

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Technologies that Fuel a Remote Workforce

Many companies today are increasing their adoption of remote working strategies, enjoying the operational benefits that come along with them. In order for you to take advantage of these benefits in your own operations, you need to be sure you have the tools needed to optimize remote work. Here, we’ll review what you need to make the most of your remote worker strategy.

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Your Technology’s Batteries, Then and Now

The smartphone is quite possibly the most important invention of our era. As time has passed, these devices have only continued to improve. These improvements have led to ever-increasing demands on the batteries that power our devices... batteries that, for about a decade, have changed very little. Here, we’ll examine the batteries that power our smartphones, and what we may see happen to them in the future.

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Your Business Could Benefit from Blockchain

Blockchain is typically associated with Bitcoin. This shouldn’t come as a shocker because primarily that IS what it’s used for. However, blockchain isn’t a program, it’s not a product -- it’s a technology. Blockchain technology has endless possibilities when it comes to real world implementation. In the near future it will likely be utilized in many business transactions due to its versatility.

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The Next Phase of the Internet of Things

The Internet of Things is growing rapidly, and with that growth there will be a stage where thoughts about IoT technology change forever. From RFID sensors to mobile devices to commercial goods, machine-to-machine communications have already made their way into people’s homes and businesses. What can we expect to happen with the IoT in the future? Today, we take a look to answer this very question.

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Warning Signs that Your Computer Needs Replacing

Are the computers in your office beginning to show their age? Do you even know how old they are? For the sake of your productivity, it may be time to replace them for a newer model. We’ll go over some warning signs that your computers may be nearing their retirement age.

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Looking Back at ARPANET

I don’t think we’re going too far out on a limb when we say that the Internet is one of the most amazing inventions ever concocted by humans. 50 years ago, the precursor to the Internet, ARPANET was launched by the U.S. Department of Defense at four west coast universities, changing the way people shared data forever. Let’s take a look at ARPANET and how it grew into the Internet we all use constantly today.

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Tip of the Week: How to Keep Your POS from Being a PITA

If your business is in retail, you’re going to need a Point-of-Sale (also known as a POS) system. This is a common device in businesses that directly sell to their clients and customers, as it can do a lot to assist these businesses as they manage their processes. As you seek out a POS system for your business, you’ll likely be looking for (and avoiding) certain features.

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Know Your Tech: Virtual Machine

Businesses use servers and servers are very expensive. They are expensive to build and to maintain. Since most servers have top-of-the-line hardware inside them, and are only used for one purpose, a lot of a server’s available resources are left dormant, essentially wasted. The virtual machine allows expensive server hardware to host multiple virtual servers, allowing any business to get more out of its IT investments. Let’s take a look at the virtual machine and its uses.

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Microsoft is Constantly Improving Office 365

Microsoft Office is the most common productivity suite in the world, and it’s for a good reason. One of the biggest reasons for this is that they routinely update the applications with great features. Office 2019 is one of the biggest improvements that Microsoft has made, and it features several apps that make the modern office work.

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Three Technology Trends We’ve Witnessed in 2019

Businesses are increasingly adopting more advanced technologies to benefit their operations. We’ve seen a few of these technologies really come into the public eye this year. That’s why we wanted to take some time and review these tools and time-saving solutions with you: to tell you about ways that your business procedures can improve through their implementation.

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Getting a New Computer? We Can Help, Part V

By now it should be clear that the same computer might not work for two different businesses’ needs. In previous articles we discussed how to select the right CPU, RAM, storage, and display for your desktop. This final post will be dedicated to some of the topics that couldn’t fit into previous parts.

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Getting a New Computer? We Can Help, Part IV

Without a monitor for your new desktop, it won’t be much to look at. While you’re recovering from that pun, let’s discuss some of the major considerations you might have for purchasing a display for your new device.

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Getting a New Computer? We Can Help, Part III

Part three of our computer buying guide will be dedicated to storage space. Most modern gadgets have a couple of options for storage space, in addition to external storage, but the amount of space will largely depend on the brand and version of the device. When selecting a computer, be it a desktop or laptop, how much data it can store will be of vital importance.

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Getting a New Computer? We Can Help, Part II

In this second part of our desktop buying guide, we’ll be discussing RAM, or random access memory. Many users find this difficult to understand, but we’ll do our best to make sure it’s explained as adequately as possible so you have all the answers you need when you build your new computer.

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