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TaylorWorks, Inc. Blog

TaylorWorks, Inc. has been serving the Longwood area since 1999, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

How Crisis is Responsible for Human Advancement

Despite how it might feel for many, the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak is not the first time that humanity has dealt with such a serious health crisis. With the information technology we have at our disposal, we’ve been able to stifle the infection somewhat, with more innovation happening all the time. The same has happened at different times throughout history, so to keep our spirits up, we figured it would make sense to discuss how the darkest times also brought great progress.

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More Industries are Seeing Accountability and Security with Blockchain

Blockchain is one of the most dynamic new technologies, but up until recently, there hasn’t been a lot accomplished in the way of creating viable distributed software titles. In fact, the most recognized technology created with blockchain is cryptocurrency. This says quite a bit. Today, we’ll look at blockchain-enhanced software and how it’s only a matter of time until it is a commonplace addition to most businesses.

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Looking at Business Technology Trends from CES 2020

The Consumer Electronics Show is where people get to see emerging technologies first. Typically thought of as an event where innovations in, well, consumer electronics are put on display, a lot of the technology on display at CES can be big news for businesses as well. Today, we are going to review some trends that CIOs and other business decision makers should be paying attention to.

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A Brief Look at Emerging Technologies

There is some fear in the implementation of new technology. Not really knowing what to expect and how it will resonate with your current systems and staff can be nerve-racking for even the most hardened entrepreneur. Today, there are a few technologies that have emerged and are on the cusp of being integrated into more business settings. Today, we take a brief look at these technologies.

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Technology: Then and Now

Technology gives business owners opportunities to expand, and essentially has become the center of most business practices. Marketing, customer contact, all sorts of inter and intra communication methods now depend heavily on technology. Let’s take a look at what the past has brought, and what the future could bring us.

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How IT is Driving Innovative Developments

Any healthy market economy relies on innovation. The simple act of making bright ideas even brighter helps boost economic efficiency and growth, creating a higher standard of living. Business processes are being transformed through information technology. Here, let’s look at how some of these shifts are shaping up.

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The Next Phase of the Internet of Things

The Internet of Things is growing rapidly, and with that growth there will be a stage where thoughts about IoT technology change forever. From RFID sensors to mobile devices to commercial goods, machine-to-machine communications have already made their way into people’s homes and businesses. What can we expect to happen with the IoT in the future? Today, we take a look to answer this very question.

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Three Technology Trends We’ve Witnessed in 2019

Businesses are increasingly adopting more advanced technologies to benefit their operations. We’ve seen a few of these technologies really come into the public eye this year. That’s why we wanted to take some time and review these tools and time-saving solutions with you: to tell you about ways that your business procedures can improve through their implementation.

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Virtual Reality has a Limitless Future

Virtual reality, or VR, is a technology that not many people understand how to make the most of. Most people's experiences with VR is something that is achieved through a third-party application, be it a smartphone or a full-fledged headset. Most of those who experience VR do so without a first-person perspective, with only 16 percent of about 3,000 people polled by Statistica ever actually trying out a “real” VR headset. We’ll give you an idea of what modern VR technology looks like, as well as what the future holds for this technology.

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4 Emerging Technologies Being Used for Business

Technology plays an important part in managing any modern business, especially with the elevated importance of information in a data-driven world. Today’s blog is dedicated to four emerging technologies that are changing the way that organizations approach operations.

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3 Noteworthy Technologies That Were Never Popular

Sometimes technology just doesn’t take off. The industry might think that it’s a game changer, but the device or product itself may not live up to the hype surrounding it, forever leaving the product to compete with the impossible standards set by the hype. Today, we’re going to look at some of these particular concepts, as well as why we think they simply didn’t fit in with today’s innovation-filled environment.

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Should Innovation Ever Take a Backseat to Proven Procedure?

If you’ve read any of our content, we continually stress the importance of innovation. Learning how to adjust and do things better allows for any organization to maximize productivity. In doing so, it creates the environment needed to become a more successful business. But, can innovation actually be a productivity killer? Today we look at how innovating may not always be the best way to get your business to go where you want it to go.

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The New Version of Chrome has Interesting Changes

Chrome 70 has proven to be quite a divisive browser. While a lot of users are excited for the new changes to security, some are also worried about whether Chrome can maintain this security and its user-friendly interface. Here are some of the changes being made to Chrome 70 so you can choose whether this browser update is for you.

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Hackers Plus Artificial Intelligence Equals Big Trouble

Thanks to the advent of artificial intelligence, cybersecurity professionals have to reconsider how they approach these threats. Machine learning is one option, as it can help today’s modern solutions learn how to be more effective against advanced threats. On the other hand, what’s stopping the other side from also taking advantage of artificial intelligence? The answer: nothing, nothing at all.

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Attempts to Make Smart Cities Hit a Snag

At this point, the concept of the Internet of Things is a fairly familiar one, but that familiarity is to the Internet of Things on the micro scale--appliances with capabilities enhanced by an available connection to the Internet. There is another, more macro application to the Internet of Things: as a way to collect data in a municipal setting. However, like the IoT we are familiar with, these “smart cities” are host to many familiar problems.

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How Technology is Transforming the Way Students Learn

To educate the leaders of tomorrow, using technology from the past isn’t going to cut it. While some schools are still using technology from the last century, others are moving forward. Today, we will take a look at classroom technology innovations, and how to get this exciting new technology in the hands of more students.

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Is Blockchain the Future of Cybersecurity?

A lot has been made of the blockchain recently. Not just because it is the technology used to fuel the thousands of cryptocurrencies there are now, but because the distributed nature of the technology has become the model for many new technological strategies. There are plans to use blockchain technology to do a great many things, but one element where blockchain can help immediately is for cybersecurity. Today we’ll take a look at the blockchain and why it may be the key to the future of network and cybersecurity.

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The Internet of Things Gives Great Power to Our Phones

The Internet of Things is a bit of a paradox in and of itself. It has been leveraged to accomplish great things, but at the same time, it can be used in a way that can create considerable problems. However, innovations have proven that the IoT isn’t going anywhere, anytime soon, especially now that it can use the devices that we carry in our pockets.

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Are You Intrigued By the Tech of CES 2018?

CES 2018 introduced the world to some downright interesting (and some absurd) electronics. The Consumer Electronics Show gives the technology industry just the outlet to showcase the best and brightest of what manufacturers have to offer. Here are some of the more interesting highlights from Las Vegas, Nevada.

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CES 2018 Showcases Upcoming Technology

If there is one thing you know about technology, it’s that it meets its demand. No matter if you are talking about the millions of Internet of Things products being created today, video games and entertainment, or business tech, demand drives the technology market.

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